Preliminary Array Layout for Solar + Storage Projects | Commercial & Utility Scale 

Solar Array Layout for Solar + Storage Projects
Pure Power Engineering will design a preliminary array layout for your solar + storage project that will identify typical racking dimensions, basic site descriptions, major equipment locations and suggestions for appropriate racking systems.

High-Quality Construction Drawings

Prelim Solar Array LayoutWe are known throughout the industry for our detailed, easy-to-read and understand construction drawings for our non-engineer clients and installers.
  • High-quality communication & knowledge of codes and market trends result in faster permit & utility approval than our competition.
  • Each of our drawing sets and array layouts are:
    • Value Engineered
    • Optimized for performance and Operation & Maintenance
    • Go through multiple rounds of reviews from the most experienced Senior Engineers in the industry.

Licensed Professional Engineers in 48 States

Licensed Professional Engineers in 48 States

  • Involved in 10,000+ Projects across 40 states over 10 years 
  • A single firm that can meet your needs everywhere you are developing or installing.